Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Love & Hate Relationship with my Boss (1)

Why we need an HR person in every interview session? Sometimes as a line manager who is looking for her/his subordinates, we usualy think that we don't need to involve an HR person during our interview process. We understand enough what kind of skill that we need from the candidates. We capable enough to explain about the company/organization, project and the task itself. And of course, we have almost 98% prerogative right to decided our subordinates.
I don't want to answer that question by my own narrative reasons but I believe this short email will help you to understand it. The subject of the is 'Interview Guidance', came from my very first HR Manager in 2007.

Dear Rosa,
As you will drive the interview and any related initiative in Recruitment, following is the things must be done/ considered by you:  

1. The intention of us to involve in interview session is not to judge the technical capability of the people as we have a very limit competency to judge whether or not the person have appropriate capablity in technical aspect. 

2. As there are two mainstreams should be considered the Aptitude and the Attitude. Leave the Aptitude (the technical skill) to the user while we focus in Attitude one. 

3. As we want to observe and explore the type of attitude/character of the people, we need to find out from the people the following informations: 
- Education History, what is the strenght point, what is the rank of the university, the GPA (not really necessary). 
- What is the activity done by the candidate besides learning.

4. Find out the Strenght point as well as the weakness point (you have to have the robust tools, to make sure that you can validate that the things explained by the candidate are the true one not only to bully us). 

5. Find out the characteristic of candidate (you can search in the internet the tools to asses the characteristic, one of this tool is MBTI / Myers.

6. The achievement done by the candidate in the current company.

7. The perception of the candidate seeing from the other people's angel. You can ask by this question : If I meet one of your friends, and I ask to him / her, do you know Irwan? what is the answer might be replied by him / her related yours? 

8. The true motivation why he/she want to leave the company. The clasic answer is to find a new challenge, this is the bad answer, you can explore by asking her perception for his/her superior, subordinate, peers, and the company culture as well. 

9. Do not forget to ask the Organization chart where he/she work in. By this organization chart you can value the level of the employee in the organization. If it is possible make the complete Organization Chart from the organization wise up to his / her depatment. A

10. Ask number of people in his / her division as well as number of people in his peers.

Those above issues are the standard one, you can enlarge the observation by knowing the personal side, hence you can judge the preference, the princple of life,  At the end please ask the question : what do you think about the loyality, honest, trust and integrity?

Please make the summary for above guidance and construct this into good flow questionnaires hence we can make sure the quality of interviewed can be maintained. Progress of recruitment process need to be built by us as I have asked you to explore the Recruitment and develop a standard process to be followed. I hope you already have the material to be discussed.

Best Regards,
We focus to observe and find the soft issues which lead to the behavior/emotional, attitude. 

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