Perfect human consider to have complete function of body and mind. But human with ignorance always make a false identification of themself. We are wrongly identify ourself with our body and our mind. This condition is the main problem of all our suffering; physical pain or emotional discomfort. As long as you have them, both seems unescapeable.
In the teaching of (Advaita) Vedanta, your physical pains belong to your body and your emotional pain and discomfort belongs to your mind. Neither of this truly belongs to You. They are not You. Why? Because the true You is not a collection of bones, organs, blood and others, nor every complicated thoughts and every changing emotion you have. The problem appears is belong to them, the body and the mind, unfortunately you mistakenly identified as You. The profound of spiritual wisdom in Vedanta about the highest knowledge for four decades try to eliminate this by seeing the root cause of human's suffering and removing this human false identification as human ignorance.
As our body is a material object and subject to physical pain and our mind is a subtle or non material which are subject to emotional pain or discomfort, therefore it is not our true nature. We are not a thing but conscious being or Inner Self (Atman). The highest knowledge that the body can be distanced from one's sense of the Self and the Self is a silent witness of all thoughts which comes and go, witness of every single emotion. Atman - the consciousness or the awareness of the world around you and by which you observe your thoughts and emotion as they arrive in your mind. Again to highlight, we fail to identify our true nature and become subject to our suffering. This is why (Advaita) Vedanta emphasis the importance of Self Knowledge. Consciousness is the the true Nature of you. Consiousness is unborn and uncreated, it is formless and limitless. Consciousness is perfect, complete and unaffected with worldly troubles - it's divine, it direct recognition of your own eternal divine limitless Inner Self.
Happy New Year 2021,
Know Thy Self 🕯🤍🙏
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