Tuesday, September 26, 2017


To be honest, philosophy is the most sexist of all disciplines that I know. You can't imagine how difficult for you as a married woman to join with a philosophy community - mostly men, discussing and questioning about everything in life until late at night even morning comes with music, cigarettes, coffee and sometimes beer. Face to face, eye to eye, gesture to gesture, free arguments to another free arguments, brain to brain - testing your imaginative ideas through your logical analysis. While they're keep thinking that you are not sufficient enough to be part of philosophy junkie or they will think that you are just one of most girl who adores newbie philosopher. Although it's not right then why it's so wrong to have girls adores newbie philosopher? And at the same time you have to try to move away in their mind that this hot discussion will ended in passionate bed.

It's like such similar situation when you're discussing about your career and contribution with competitive pay to your male boss and he replied; you are lucky. You have your own business and you are not a bread winner. Money is not everything to you. Then why also it's so wrong when money is everything to me - as I run the business for that?


PS1: and if you are not part of my story just shut the fuck!
PS2: then why should I still choose philosophy better that Human Resources Management?

FU*K what is exactly I'm doin' ?

3.13 A.M 26092017

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